Words to Describe cave
Things cave often describes ("cave ________")
- foundation
- deposits
- saved
- guard
- bears
- dwellers
- cricket
- deposit
- winds
- exploration
- hill
- paintings
- browne
- brown
- spring
- rat
- diving
- earth
- crickets
- implements
- tomb
- monasteries
- dwellings
- earths
- worship
- rock
- district
- chapels
- drawings
- leopard
- hyaena
- temples
- caves
- riant
- hyena
- burial
- moistures
- town
- shrine
- the
- bear
- tombs
- explorations
- temple
- art
- men
- woman
- man
- rowe
- prison
- hunting
- fish
- repository
- dwelling
- ins
- lion
- dweller
- gray
- burials
- right
- lounge
- digging
- painting
How cave often is described ("________ cave")
- sacred
- upper
- empty
- shallow
- cut
- deepest
- wonderful
- smaller
- hidden
- big
- cool
- remarkable
- vast
- hollow
- celebrated
- shadowy
- enchanted
- deep
- cold
- dim
- great
- small
- underwater
- natural
- warm
- famous
- crystal
- vacant
- outer
- huge
- main
- little
- black
- prehistoric
- subterranean
- artificial
- magic
- underground
- nearby
- mysterious
- platonic
- nice
- damp
- dry
- sepulchral
- tiny
- double
- mammoth
- lonely
- beautiful
- remote
- sea
- narrow
- gloomy
- holy
- spacious
- immense
- inner
- solitary
- stalactite
- large
- coral
- curious
- secret
- rocky
- very
- largest
- darksome
- strange
- dark
- enormous
- ancient