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Words that Almost Rhyme with assurances
3 syllables
- chlorophylls
- choruses
- clearances
- heiresses
- irises
- narratives
- origins
- pyramids
- viruses
- cuirasses
- peeresses
- aramids
- ceruses
- chloropids
- churruses
- clarences
- curatives
- currances
- doweresses
- duratives
- harrases
- heron's-bills
- heronbills
- karosses
- kerasins
- meruses
- nauruzes
- oraches
- paronyms
- parrot's-bills
- parrotbills
- poroches
- poruses
- pyrexes
- pyrexins
- sarrazins
- saruses
- scaruses
- seeresses
- smirises
- sorances
- squiresses
- styracins
- tarrases
- terrasses
- therevids
- thoraces
- turacins
- varuses
- virus xes
- xerafins
- xeraphins
4 syllables
- comparatives
- embarrasses
- imperatives
- occurrences
- recurrences
- transferases
- almoravids
- alteratives
- coherences
- concurrences
- poxviruses
- restoratives
- transferences
- aberrances
- abhorrences
- adherences
- aids viruses
- baserunnings
- bipyramids
- co-heiresses
- coheiresses
- compearances
- conferrences
- cooccurrences
- crest clearances
- dawn choruses
- debarrances
- debarrasses
- decurrences
- deterrences
- dipyramids
- dwarf irises
- earth pyramids
- false cirruses
- fixed viruses
- food pyramids
- forbearances
- imperences
- incurrences
- inherences
- jointuresses
- kiss their asses
- kissed their asses
- lathyruses
- miuruses
- necturuses
- paguruses
- par clearances
- pejoratives
- preclearances
- preparatives
- proceruses
- procuresses
- proviruses
- prulaurasins
- pyloruses
- quakeresses
- red oraches
- rna viruses
- sea oraches
- shakeresses
- side clearances
- siluruses
- slow viruses
- spring irises
- street viruses
- susurruses
- transparences
- white sirises
- wild irises
5 syllables
- arboviruses
- disappearances
- herpesviruses
- interferences
- reassurances
- retroviruses
- flaviviruses
- reoviruses
- rhinoviruses
- allochlorophylls
- alphaviruses
- bearded irises
- beardless irises
- billionairesses
- blue flag irises
- bulbous irises
- bunyaviruses
- cancer viruses
- co-occurrences
- coappearances
- coinsurances
- copper irises
- counter-narratives
- counternarratives
- crested irises
- cryophoruses
- cyclic choruses
- delta viruses
- disembarrasses
- disseverances
- double choruses
- eb viruses
- echoviruses
- filoviruses
- garden oraches
- hemipyramids
- incoherences
- kisses their asses
- kissing their asses
- lentiviruses
- macropyramids
- macrosporophylls
- manageresses
- marburg viruses
- megasporophylls
- microsporophylls
- millionairesses
- myxoviruses
- neurokeratins
- nonadherences
- nonappearances
- noncompearances
- nonconcurrences
- nonoccurrences
- noroviruses
- oncoviruses
- overbearances
- parvoviruses
- peacock irises
- perseverances
- phacochoeruses
- phleboviruses
- pneumoviruses
- pogon irises
- presbyteresses
- protochlorophylls
- pseudokeratins
- re-occurrences
- reappearances
- renal clearances
- renal pyramids
- reoccurrences
- rhabdoviruses
- sceloporuses
- self-assurances
- sembradorases
- semichoruses
- snake's-head irises
- stinking irises
- thought transferences
- togaviruses
- tumor viruses
- ultraviruses
- ventripyramids
- vesper irises
- yellow irises
6 syllables
- baculoviruses
- coronaviruses
- methyltransferases
- picornaviruses
- polioviruses
- arenaviruses
- by all appearances
- caliciviruses
- countertransferences
- coxsackie viruses
- crested dwarf irises
- cumulocirruses
- despite appearances
- dna viruses
- ebola viruses
- epstein-barr viruses
- filtrable viruses
- from humble origins
- japanese irises
- keep up appearances
- mal de caderases
- morbilliviruses
- noninterferences
- of humble origins
- oncornaviruses
- papovaviruses
- phosphotransferases
- potato x viruses
- powassan viruses
- regular pyramids
- rna interferences
- special appearances
- thunderstorm cirruses
- to all appearances
- truncated pyramids
- violet irises
- xiphium irises
7 syllables
- aminotransferases
- papillomaviruses
- bacterial viruses
- bacteriochlorophylls
- eternal recurrences
- filterable viruses
- general appearances
- glucosyltransferases
- metapneumoviruses
- multi-millionairesses
- multimillionairesses
- olfactory gyruses
- orthobunyaviruses
- orthomyxoviruses
- paramyxoviruses
- polyomaviruses
- vaccinia viruses