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Words that Rhyme with molds
2 syllables
- beholds
- cotswolds
- footholds
- freeholds
- handholds
- households
- leaseholds
- mangolds
- strongholds
- thresholds
- unfolds
- upholds
- withholds
- billfolds
- blindfolds
- enfolds
- sheepfolds
- soft folds
- aholds
- best golds
- black golds
- book-folds
- bright golds
- choke holds
- closed folds
- coin golds
- cross-folds
- crown golds
- crust folds
- cuckholds
- dead folds
- downfolds
- downholds
- drag folds
- dull golds
- end folds
- eye folds
- fanfolds
- farmholds
- fin folds
- fishholds
- fool's golds
- foreholds
- free golds
- french folds
- gatefolds
- green golds
- ground holds
- head colds
- head folds
- hoodmolds
- infolds
- kobolds
- leaf golds
- misfolds
- moss golds
- nail folds
- neckmolds
- oil golds
- old golds
- pinfolds
- pre-molds
- premolds
- refolds
- remolds
- remoulds
- rolled golds
- rootholds
- rose colds
- rose golds
- safeholds
- sideholds
- spoil-molds
- stokeholds
- suitholds
- the wolds
- toeholds
- upfolds
- white golds
3 syllables
- copyholds
- manifolds
- marigolds
- anchor-holds
- antique golds
- burnished golds
- buttonmolds
- buttonmoulds
- centerfolds
- common colds
- common scolds
- compound folds
- drugstore folds
- fairy golds
- fingerholds
- flour golds
- guinea golds
- honey golds
- interfolds
- joint households
- linenfolds
- liquid golds
- marygolds
- mustard golds
- neural folds
- nugget golds
- overfolds
- palegolds
- paper golds
- private golds
- rusty golds
- standard golds
- strangleholds
- talmi golds
- throttleholds
- underfolds
- underholds
- villeinholds
- vocal folds
- water golds
- yukon golds