How to Use atmospherics in a Sentence
plural noun-
The atmospherics around a White House that was on a roll have shifted in a matter of days.
—Stephen Collinson, CNN, 19 Aug. 2021
For those who attended the 2017 staging in the Old Globe’s outdoor venue, the slides may bring back the atmospherics of your evening there.
—David L. Coddon, San Diego Union-Tribune, 15 July 2021
But Saturday, with clouds in gray ranks running to the horizon, at least had the atmospherics of damp and chilly days to come.
—Washington Post, 10 Oct. 2021
At least thus far, the South Alabama players seem focused on the task at hand, and not all the atmospherics.
—Creg Stephenson | [email protected], al, 27 Sep. 2021
On 2019’s The Center Won’t Hold, the band embraced breezier sounds and brighter hooks, warm atmospherics and chilly electronics.
—Craig Jenkins, Vulture, 11 June 2021
Lack of city lights, low humidity, and 300 clear nights a year all add up to superb atmospherics.
—Outside Online, 15 Dec. 2020
A few years ago, such connections would have been merely part of the atmospherics of the political fringe, where the Brothers of Italy languished.
—Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post, 26 July 2022
But these and other factors don’t actually add up to much in the way of ominous atmospherics.
—Dennis Harvey, Variety, 6 Oct. 2021
Mastering Dante doesn’t require a bottle of wine and Palestrina on the stereo—and such atmospherics have too often served as a way to seduce students.
—Benjamin Anastas, The New Yorker, 1 Nov. 2021
And those are used for briefing before meetings or for atmospherics at a conference.
—CBS News, 13 Oct. 2021
The investment world’s wild atmospherics indeed point to a craze resembling the period preceding the tech crash of 2000.
—Shawn Tully, Fortune, 6 Oct. 2021
And those who therefore prefer such atmospherics to subtitles — more accurately known as closed captions when the viewer can turn them on or off — are free not to use them.
—Eric Zorn,, 17 June 2021
If the person nominated seems like a better choice to be entrusted with that power, then despite all the atmospherics, there's a clear case for voting yes.
—Ross Douthat New York Times, Star Tribune, 23 Sep. 2020
What first strikes you about Renaissance are its mellow atmospherics.
—Will Dukes, Rolling Stone, 29 July 2022
But the attempts to avoid photographs of a handshake between Mohammed and Biden have only brought more attention to the atmospherics of a meeting that was destined to be awkward since it was announced last month.
—Noah Bierman, Los Angeles Times, 15 July 2022
The film was praised for its brooding atmospherics and unsettling sound design, now considered trademarks of Mr. Kurosawa’s style.
—Ben Dooley, New York Times, 10 Oct. 2020
The decision gives the public, ultimately, more access to the atmospherics of the trial, and will insure everything that is said and done in the courtroom is witnessed by people who are not part of the trial itself.
—Hannah Rabinowitz and Katelyn Polantz, CNN, 1 Mar. 2022
For everyone outside that window, however, the lack of real atmospherics, and genuine awe or peril, makes this episodic journey feel small-scale and small-screen.
—Jessica Kiang, Rolling Stone, 5 May 2021
And the political atmospherics would be ruinous, as Biden would be portrayed as a weak leader, who failed to implement his own agenda and who warned democracy could be eclipsed but could do nothing about it.
—Stephen Collinson, CNN, 12 Jan. 2022
While Michaelis’s style is sometimes florid, his uncanny ability to nail down the atmospherics of a particular place and time with consummate grace is engaging.
—Washington Post, 6 Nov. 2020
This leeway comes at no cost, however, to its effective atmospherics, which sink into the bones like an unexpected twilight chill.
—Guy Lodge, Variety, 25 Mar. 2022
All this provides the lightest toehold into this evocative, nonlinear film, rich in atmospherics, mysticism, and song.
—Lisa Wong MacAbasco, Vogue, 3 Sep. 2021
Still, that jump-scare-laden, rather sadistic home invasion tale was creepier than this enterprise, in which every plot thread gets tied up neatly, albeit without much in the way of atmospherics or plausibility.
—Dennis Harvey, Variety, 27 Oct. 2021
Is Biden merely offering the atmospherics of bipartisanship while yielding nothing of substance to the Republicans?
—Walter Shapiro, The New Republic, 2 Feb. 2021
Numerical data could not, however, overwhelm the autumnal atmospherics of the day, the less tangible and less quantifiable qualities that ignore averages to make a month memorable.
—Washington Post, 24 Oct. 2021
Officially listed as a dance album, Honestly, Nevermind brings the melodic flourishes Drake introduced to hip-hop into club music’s steely atmospherics.
—Jeff Ihaza, Rolling Stone, 21 June 2022
On a surface level, the political atmospherics of legal weed have the potential to harm Republicans in 2022, including DeWine, a traditional Republican with a reputation as a teetotaler, who’s running for re-election next year.
—Andrew J. Tobias, cleveland, 13 Aug. 2021
Utterly lacking the atmospherics to build a sense of ominous mystery, its twists mostly revealed in flashbacks that should unfold with exacting cleverness, but instead feel arbitrarily dropped in sans concern for narrative shape or editorial rhythm.
—Dennis Harvey, Variety, 14 July 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'atmospherics.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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