How to Use byte in a Sentence


  • The 16-bit address in the long jump uses an extra byte.
    Andrew Hudson, Ars Technica, 14 Mar. 2022
  • The torrent of bits and bytes pours into laptops and phones held in the hands of billions.
    Mike Oliver | [email protected], al, 17 Aug. 2019
  • Still, I was plagued by a virus, by a byte of uncertainty.
    Kira Jane Buxton, The New Yorker, 6 Apr. 2017
  • Groups of bits are formed into larger units called bytes.
    Jay Weitzen, The Conversation, 5 Dec. 2022
  • At its core, compression is about reducing the number of bits and bytes in a file.
    Courtney Linder, Popular Mechanics, 18 Jan. 2020
  • Alice thinks that Bob does not support 16 bytes of entropy and accepts 1 byte.
    Dan Goodin, Ars Technica, 17 Aug. 2019
  • This address is prepended to any block of data bytes being sent.
    IEEE Spectrum, 23 Mar. 2023
  • After reading the image file from the disk, each byte is analyzed.
    Dan Goodin, Ars Technica, 15 July 2024
  • In the twenty-first century, bits and bytes are as threatening as bullets and bombs.
    William J. Lynn Iii, Foreign Affairs, 28 Sep. 2011
  • And now the conversation from a business standpoint is, does this work in 15-second bytes?
    Alessandro Corona, The Enquirer, 14 June 2023
  • Such a weapon could pose a major danger to U.S. satellites that transmit billions of bytes of data each hour.
    Matthew Lee,, 15 Feb. 2024
  • The service is agnostic about what is being stored and handles all file content the same way, as a collection of bytes.
    Samuel Axon, Ars Technica, 26 Feb. 2018
  • The table lookup and LFSR step are performed for each byte of data in the sector, and the result is output as the original video data.
    Victor C. Clarke, WIRED, 1 June 2001
  • Data can be retrieved far more quickly, too, with Zen 5 able to fetch and decode twice as many bytes of data each clock cycle as Zen 4.
    Michael Justin Allen Sexton, PCMAG, 24 July 2024
  • Too often, though, the play feels overloaded with ideas, themes and moral conundrums scattered in random bursts and bytes.
    Frank Rizzo, Variety, 31 July 2024
  • But a different sort of conflict, waged with bytes rather than bullets, is already being fought here.
    Gardiner Harris, New York Times, 10 May 2017
  • The bulk of innovation has been shunted into the invisible realm of bytes and code.
    Derek Thompson, The Atlantic, 17 Dec. 2019
  • The company's name refers to 0s and 1s dancing together to form a byte, the binary code used by computers.
    Sherisse Pham, CNN, 21 May 2020
  • Even the simplest storage provider has code to copy bytes from an internal storage system and deliver them to the user.
    Barath Raghavan, IEEE Spectrum, 5 Nov. 2023
  • As James surely understands, opening a vacuum can say far more than a sound byte.
    Ben Golliver,, 12 Mar. 2018
  • There wasn't much data to crunch: only about six hundred bytes total, equivalent to a few text messages.
    Bucky McMahon, Esquire, 14 Sep. 2015
  • All the apps, photos, music and other files on our devices can quickly add up, using up every byte of storage on our phones.
    Cody Godwin, USA TODAY, 6 Sep. 2024
  • If there is to be value in wine NFTs beyond authentication, someone needs to come up with an idea more compelling than a byte-sized bit of art.
    Mike Desimone, Robb Report, 2 Apr. 2022
  • This is a legacy of Windows XP, which would cough up a hairball when presented with a disk with any hardware blocksize other than 512 byte.
    Jim Salter, Ars Technica, 13 Apr. 2020
  • The 8-bit byte enabled a computer to run software that produced both upper- and lower-case characters.
    IEEE Spectrum, 9 Dec. 2022
  • As such, bringing it to the handheld requires a little more work than just translation of the bits and bytes into something the Game Boy can understand, which would be tough enough on its own.
    Eric Limer, Popular Mechanics, 19 Dec. 2016
  • Sometimes, those discrepancies come down to a single byte.
    Washington Post, 27 Nov. 2020
  • Considering your average video can have as many as 60 frames per second, this can save a truly bonkers number of bytes.
    Eric Limer, Popular Mechanics, 18 Aug. 2016
  • At the same time things are complex, most information sources cover only the most superficial details in sound bytes.
    Tracy Brower, Forbes, 27 Oct. 2024
  • There will be traces of humanity left over — nuclear waste and plastics, to name two — but even the bytes and bits of our digital footprint will decay and disintegrate.
    Tim Britton, The Athletic, 30 July 2024

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'byte.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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