How to Use criticality in a Sentence
But how does this change the nature of criticality in the brain and can this be observed?
—The Physics Arxiv Blog, Discover Magazine, 19 Sep. 2022
But what was pushing grids to the point of criticality?
—Peter Fairley, Discover Magazine, 16 Mar. 2016
In today’s reactors, the only way to achieve criticality is to have a healthy abundance of U-235 atoms in the fuel.
—Michael Koziol, IEEE Spectrum, 1 June 2018
True criticality only occurs in systems with many more units than are found in a swarm.
—Brandon Keim, New York Times, 1 Oct. 2021
With so much at stake, the 2022 US midterms are highlighting the criticality of one core US voting protection: the secret ballot.
—WIRED, 7 Nov. 2022
Here, this project team was not aware of the criticality or importance of its work on overall company strategy.
—Dipak Kulkarni, Forbes, 28 Feb. 2024
These tools should be able to identify an issue, compare it against known databases of bugs, identify its exposure to the production code and give it a risk score based on criticality.
—Expert Panel®, Forbes, 19 Dec. 2022
Next, map these according to their criticality and establish to what degree each vendor must be assessed.
—Aki Eldar, Forbes, 6 Jan. 2023
The specter of self-sustaining fission, or criticality, in the nuclear ruins has long haunted Chernobyl.
—Richard Stone, Science | AAAS, 5 May 2021
The complexity and criticality of health care’s issues far outweigh those of other applications.
—Carol McCall, STAT, 12 Aug. 2021
More recently, some work has shown that what was previously considered a signature of criticality might also be the result of random processes.
—John M. Beggs, Quanta Magazine, 31 Jan. 2023
Ideas about criticality have also begun to spread beyond neuroscience.
—John M. Beggs, Quanta Magazine, 31 Jan. 2023
Conduct Cybercrime Drills Government organizations can simulate what would happen in the event of a real breach and help employees realize the criticality of such threats.
—Mohan S, Forbes, 22 Feb. 2023
Perhaps operating at near criticality is conducive to midge romance?
—Brandon Keim, New York Times, 1 Oct. 2021
Determine all the technology needs your organization is seeking to fill with a new CRM implementation, then list them out in terms of importance and criticality to organizational function.
—Tal Frankfurt, Forbes, 15 June 2022
The culture metric recognizes the criticality of an internal culture that values the development of employees—through initiatives such as continuous growth through learning, feedback and mentorship—that nurture human potential and purpose.
—Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Forbes, 30 Nov. 2023
This is a matter of criticality considering the unpredictability of Mother Nature, as demonstrated by the spike in natural calamities that is sadly complementing the accelerating global warming.
—Voice Of The People, New York Daily News, 7 Apr. 2024
Researchers are still investigating that possibility, but many of them have already proposed new criteria for distinguishing between the apparent criticality of random noise and the true criticality of collective interactions among neurons.
—John M. Beggs, Quanta Magazine, 31 Jan. 2023
Additionally, Qualys TruRisk quantifies security risk by workload criticality and vulnerability detections and correlates it with ransomware, malware and exploitation threat intelligence to prioritize, trace and reduce risk.
—Adrian Bridgwater, Forbes, 11 Nov. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'criticality.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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