How to Use embryonic in a Sentence
adjective- The tourism industry there is still in an embryonic stage.
There are two types of stem cells: adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells.
—Elizabeth Gamillo, Smithsonian Magazine, 19 Aug. 2021
The tool allowed the researchers to restore the UCP1 gene in embryonic pig cells using a copy of the gene from mice.
—Beth Mole, Ars Technica, 24 Oct. 2017
The embryonic stem cells of frogs migrate to create the hardness of frog faces.
—Rafil Kroll-Zaidi, Harper’s Magazine , 16 Mar. 2022
And these aren't the same as embryonic stem cells, which are found in fertilized egg.
—Korin Miller, SELF, 31 Oct. 2017
It is often forgotten, but the goal's greatest piece of skills was at the very embryonic stages of the move.
—, 29 Apr. 2018
Her getting into the lake on her own is embryonic, in a way.
—Olivia-Anne Cleary, TIME, 29 July 2024
And then the little creature would come out and chew through its embryonic sac.
—Kate Erbland, IndieWire, 16 Aug. 2024
But Olivia resembles Eloise in both her fits of pique and her embryonic sense of chic.
—Emily Langer, Washington Post, 9 Mar. 2023
These embryonic fish were on their way to low Earth orbit.
—Chris Baraniuk, Smithsonian Magazine, 24 Feb. 2021
Everything from Russian tanks rolling through Prague to Woodstock to the protests in the streets, women’s rights, the embryonic stages of gay rights.
—Saby Reyes-Kulkarni, Billboard, 8 Feb. 2018
The researchers then plucked a few cells from among the 300 or so in each blastocyst and established embryonic stem cell lines in the lab.
—Megan Molteni, STAT, 8 July 2022
Over time the tree develops knobs of embryonic tissue at the end of each branch that becomes the origin of the next season’s growth.
—Paul Cappiello, The Courier-Journal, 6 Apr. 2018
These updrafts keep the embryonic stone aloft long enough to gather up water into an ice ball, and the stronger the updraft, the bigger the stones can grow.
—John Ingold, The Denver Post, 15 May 2017
At this stage, Murray’s offense is all upside, which is to say most of it is still embryonic.
—Rob Mahoney,, 12 Sep. 2019
Then the embryo takes over and a strict sequence of embryonic genes kicks in, setting up more features.
—Quanta Magazine, 9 Sep. 2020
The couple has been working on some of the songs, which appeared in embryonic forms at the Meltdown Festival, in the decades since Cocteau Twins broke up in 1997.
—Kory Grow, Rolling Stone, 6 Apr. 2022
The cells revert to a partially embryonic state, which causes them to emit the growth factors.
—Bradley J. Fikes,, 12 July 2018
If astronomers could find an embryonic planet in a place like this, the payoff would be far-reaching.
—Joshua Sokol, WIRED, 28 May 2018
But fossils of embryonic Shonisaurus as well as those that had only just begun to swim on their own were also in the area.
—Riley Black, Smithsonian Magazine, 19 Dec. 2022
Throughout the 1980s, narratives in video games were still in an embryonic stage.
—Washington Post, 20 Jan. 2021
To solve that problem, in 2021 her group found a way to convert embryonic stem cells into early-stage XEN cells.
—Philip Ball, Quanta Magazine, 13 June 2023
Though long gone are Lady Gaga's days of embryonic entrances, the music industry still comes to the Grammys to play and slay.
—Lester Fabian Brathwaite,, 4 Feb. 2024
China has a host of embryonic links with Africa, the only region of the world that will experience a youth boom over the coming decades.
—Carl Minzner, Foreign Affairs, 2 May 2023
The small size and embryonic nature of this market would have made that difficult.
—Alex Webbbloomberg, Los Angeles Times, 11 Oct. 2019
Netflix’s video game business is in the embryonic stage.
—Ryan Faughnder, Los Angeles Times, 7 Sep. 2021
These are made from human embryonic stem cells, grown into the types of cells needed for transplant.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 31 July 2019
That is when the rather featureless blob of embryonic cells starts to fold and rearrange itself to acquire the first hints of body structure.
—Philip Ball, Quanta Magazine, 13 June 2023
For instance, the team of archeologists found embryonic signs of trade.
—Paul Smaglik, Discover Magazine, 31 Oct. 2024
Mount and Fernandes’ partnership as false nines is in its embryonic stages and the success of Ten Hag’s approach is dependent on every player fulfilling their role in the system, not just the front two.
—Mark Critchley, The Athletic, 29 Aug. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'embryonic.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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