How to Use expeditionary in a Sentence


  • The Quds, or Jerusalem, Force is the Guard’s expeditionary unit.
    Jon Gambrell, Washington Post, 25 Aug. 2019
  • The vessel is used by expeditionary teams from around the world.
    Gary Robbins, San Diego Union-Tribune, 14 Dec. 2020
  • The bulk of China’s naval buildup has been in the area of surface ships, many of which are not suitable for long range, expeditionary warfare.
    Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 20 May 2019
  • The hipsters, the artists, the writers and the start-up entrepreneurs started arriving a few years ago, a sort of flat white expeditionary force.
    Rory Smith, New York Times, 2 June 2017
  • In the early 1500s, Hernán Cortés led an expeditionary force into the Aztec Empire.
    Dustin Snyder, Forbes, 16 May 2022
  • The Navy’s other expeditionary sea bases have conducted operations off the coast of Africa and in the Middle East.
    Phillip Molnar, San Diego Union-Tribune, 8 May 2021
  • When it’s paired with the most expeditionary-minded military the world’s ever seen, sitting on the edge of the world’s newest potential hotspot.
    Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 1 Nov. 2021
  • Matthew Hracho, told the jury, Darbi spared the government the time and expense of putting him on trial at the base’s expeditionary war court, called Camp Justice.
    Carol Rosenberg, miamiherald, 13 Oct. 2017
  • Part of the Silversea fleet, the Silver Explorer, is billed as an expeditionary vessel.
    Stanley Stewart, Condé Nast Traveler, 28 June 2019
  • This system can support the equivalent of a brigade-sized expeditionary unit, with voice, text and data traffic at up to 30m bits per second (bps).
    The Economist, 14 June 2018
  • The Marines, as a fast-moving expeditionary force that relies on grunts to carry lots of gear to the front line, sees itself as an odd fit for gender integration.
    Patrik Jonsson, The Christian Science Monitor, 5 Feb. 2021
  • Its expeditionary forces already have served in Afghanistan and as peacekeepers in Kosovo.
    Jon Gambrell, Fox News, 19 June 2018
  • The leaders also agreed to use E.U. funds to finance Europe’s battle groups — small, expeditionary forces that can be deployed quickly to hot spots.
    Washington Post, 22 June 2017
  • With an expeditionary sea base around, that need becomes less of a priority.
    Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 18 Jan. 2018
  • An expeditionary learning school for grades 6-8, in partnership with the Denver Public Schools, has also been nixed from the building.
    John Wenzel, The Know, 4 May 2017
  • And this is the thing about expeditionary journalism in general.
    Recode Staff, Recode, 14 June 2018
  • The film follows a British expeditionary team’s attempt at the world’s first circumnavigation of the Earth in an 80-year-old Spitfire fighter plane.
    Naman Ramachandran, Variety, 18 Mar. 2022
  • Construction on the expeditionary sea base Miguel Keith took about two years and is set to be permanently foreign-based.
    Phillip Molnar, San Diego Union-Tribune, 8 May 2021
  • The gondola rides, which would cost about $10 each way, would fly roughly 30 feet over historic sites including where a Spanish expeditionary force led by Capt.
    Louis Sahagún Staff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 26 Nov. 2020
  • Within 50 days, Mattis was leading an expeditionary brigade in Afghanistan.
    Rick Pearson,, 11 Sep. 2019
  • Mentzer has served as an expeditionary force support squadron commander, national defense fellow and joint readiness planner for the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
    Mike Cason | [email protected], al, 25 Aug. 2020
  • The expeditionary nature of the U.S. armed forces, designed to travel thousands of miles and accomplish dangerous missions, makes them in some ways well suited to respond.
    Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 29 Oct. 2019
  • The first try failed, but a second expeditionary force arriving a year later brought with it smallpox, which devastated the city and brought the Spanish victory.
    Colin Dickey, The New Republic, 3 May 2023
  • But in expeditionary environments, where all these things are likely to be in short supply, ACES could make a real difference.
    David Hambling, Forbes, 14 Oct. 2021
  • For his bravery, Woodfill would receive the Medal of Honor and be Pershing's selection as the most outstanding soldier of the expeditionary force.
    Ray Locker, USA TODAY, 21 May 2018
  • The outpouring of grief was an unprecedented honor for a man viewed by Iranians as a national hero for his work leading the Guard's expeditionary Quds Force.
    CBS News, 15 Jan. 2020
  • The Quds Force is the Guard’s expeditionary unit, responsible for operations abroad.
    Eric Tucker, ajc, 10 Aug. 2022
  • Both are capable of not only defending the ship, but a larger, multi-ship task force as a whole, such as a carrier strike group or amphibious expeditionary strike group.
    Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 14 Jan. 2021
  • Iran’s expeditionary forces and allied militias in the northern Middle East haven’t been targeted—but still punishing.
    Reuel Marc Gerecht and Ray Takeyh, WSJ, 16 June 2019
  • The infusion is essential to the Marines’ ability to serve as an expeditionary force that primarily travels by sea, with sizable help from its air assets.
    Gary Robbins, San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 Feb. 2024

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'expeditionary.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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