How to Use hangman in a Sentence
The hangman would have known how far a man needs to fall.
—Aaron Gilbreath, Longreads, 20 Dec. 2017
Across from the map was a hangman’s noose found in the walls of the old county courthouse.
—Vincent T. Davis,, 15 Oct. 2019
The mob took him from the jail at 1:15 a.m. and led about a mile outside of Burlington to the hangman's tree.
—Mark Curnutte,, 30 Apr. 2018
On the other, form a hangman’s noose over the paracord.
—Joseph Albanese, Outdoor Life, 28 May 2020
What’s on the box: Images of a crossword puzzle, a word search, a hangman in the desert and some sort of card game.
—Tracey John, WIRED, 26 June 2009
But do not pity the poor hangman with no one to kill; his self-pity is more than sufficient.
—New York Times, 21 Apr. 2022
There was a hangman’s gallows, and there was a hemp rope tied into a noose that was placed around my neck.
—Clark Collis,, 14 Aug. 2019
Yet his brand of antiglamour and his hangman’s gaze burned steadily until the end.
—Dwight Garner, Town & Country, 20 Sep. 2019
Just before her purge, Lively had posted a series of pictures of a game of hangman.
—Kayleigh Roberts, Marie Claire, 2 May 2018
Jim probably cared too much and most definitely was too smart to hang around for the hangman.
—Nick Canepa,, 16 Sep. 2017
Kids can doodle, scribble, draw, and play tic-tac-toe, hangman, or any number of drawing games with these tablets.
—Sunset, 22 Jan. 2018
The first incident had been reported on April 27 when a hangman’s noose was found hanging from a steel beam on the second floor of the building.
—Siladitya Ray, Forbes, 21 May 2021
Fearing the hangman’s noose, Kenton fled westward and changed his name to Simon Butler.
—Jeff Suess,, 18 July 2017
Among the items: a Nazi swastika pendant, and a hangman’s noose decal, a cross burning baby onesie.
—Frank Witsil, Detroit Free Press, 6 July 2018
The comments appeared with an image of a hangman’s noose, according to the newspaper.
—Midland Reporter-Telegram, Houston Chronicle, 9 June 2020
This Cook fellow seems to have a real hangman's view of the human condition—or, at least, the condition of humans who don't look like him.
—Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, 10 Apr. 2017
The black comedy, about what happens to Britain’s second-best hangman on the day hanging is abolished, is scheduled to run at the Atlantic from Jan. 18 through March 4.
—Joshua Barone, New York Times, 1 May 2017
The hangman's gallows sitting out there on our National Mall.
—CNN, 27 July 2021
But instead of a scarf, a hangman’s knot was on the woman’s lap, an image that critics said was highly offensive and evoked the lynchings of black people in the Deep South.
—Neil Vigdor, New York Times, 8 Apr. 2020
Langhe, about an hour south of Turin, is the land of Barolo, that grandest of Italian reds made from nebbiolo grapes, which droop from their hangman scaffolding.
—Alex Postman, Condé Nast Traveler, 24 Oct. 2017
Kelly, like Jim Harbaugh and Jim Tomsula before him, had to sit through a post-game press conference even as the hangman’s noose tightened around his neck.
—Daniel Brown, The Mercury News, 1 Jan. 2017
But before the sentence could be carried out, Muharrami was suddenly spared the hangman’s rope.
—Los Angeles Times, 19 May 2022
The company also referred to hangman as a common children’s game.
—, 6 Jan. 2018
Organizers tried getting students who might feel bashful online to at least try a game of hangman or charades.
—Washington Post, 23 Apr. 2021
Then a lifeline popped into our inbox: The parents of one of Isla’s friends suggested a Zoom chat with five of Isla’s second-grade friends to play a few rounds of virtual hangman.
—USA Today, 24 Mar. 2020
The hangman’s noose has come to symbolize brutality in the US and its history of lynchings and hatred toward Black people.
—Isa Kaufman Geballe, CNN, 15 Dec. 2022
In America, the hangman's noose has come to symbolize a deplorable act of brutality, along with unbound...
—Kate Gibson, CBS News, 26 May 2021
Leach tweeted out a coronavirus meme containing a hangman’s noose, which some construed to be a depiction of lynching.
—Creg Stephenson | [email protected], al, 7 Apr. 2020
Zimbabwe’s last execution was in 2005, partly because no one was willing to be the hangman.
—Farai Mutsaka,, 22 Mar. 2018
Göring cheated the hangman when a sympathetic American officer slipped him a cyanide capsule the night before.
—Thomas Doherty, The Hollywood Reporter, 4 Feb. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'hangman.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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