How to Use perspective in a Sentence
From the perspective of Trump and his allies, that should have been a good thing.
—Matt Ford, The New Republic, 21 July 2023
This meant, as the writer, staying true to the child’s perspective and seeing the world at her eye line.
—Katherine Hu, The Atlantic, 27 June 2023
From a global perspective, the past few days marked a huge chance to embellish the brands.
—Bob Sutton, Fortune, 20 July 2023
Here are a few more perspectives from L.A. Times columnists on the primaries and what to expect in the coming weeks and months.
—Ryan Fonseca, Los Angeles Times, 8 Mar. 2024
Kids who live with cats will love that this story is told from the kitty's perspective.
—Lizz Schumer, Good Housekeeping, 8 July 2023
From your perspective, was that how other Black men viewed it?
—Keith Nelson, Men's Health, 1 Aug. 2023
To the cameras, Daniele explained a little more of her perspective.
—Kelly Wynne, Peoplemag, 14 Nov. 2023
Americans will get a clearer perspective on their views in the case when the court hears oral arguments in the fall term.
—Matt Ford, The New Republic, 26 June 2023
From our perspective down here, on the surface of our planet, the stars are tiny, gleaming specks in an inky-dark universe.
—Marina Koren, The Atlantic, 15 Sep. 2023
The film depicts the last year of elementary school through the perspective of a class pet, a 74-year-old lizard named Leo (Sandler).
—Jaden Thompson, Variety, 23 Aug. 2023
These fresh names usher in both novelty and a change of perspective.
—José Criales-Unzueta, Vogue, 19 Sep. 2023
Demi Moore is sharing her perspective of being in the Brat Pack.
—Kimberlee Speakman, Peoplemag, 31 Jan. 2024
Again, the Band of Seven put the lopsided losses in perspective.
—Don Norcross, San Diego Union-Tribune, 28 Sep. 2023
If seen from a bird’s eye perspective, Lieberman’s design shows a heart with two angel wings on each side.
—Jimena Tavel, Miami Herald, 14 Feb. 2024
What has been the greatest challenge this year for the team as a whole, and for you personally from a driver’s perspective?
—Viju Mathew, Robb Report, 16 Nov. 2023
Or a perspective to blend one of Birmingham’s downtown parks with the city’s skyscrapers?
—Paul Gattis | [email protected], al, 7 July 2023
The aching, simmering ballad recounts a past summer beach romance in an ’88 Ford, with a verse each from the perspective of the two past lovers.
—Jonathan Bernstein, Rolling Stone, 25 Aug. 2023
And though Sammy is far removed from Goggins, making the movie has changed his perspective on some things.
—Brent Lang, Variety, 19 Mar. 2024
As for whether this is true to what life is actually like as a pop star, Bareilles, says it’s given her some perspective.
—Caitlin Huston, The Hollywood Reporter, 8 Mar. 2024
Still, Bob Geldof, the organizer of Band Aid was on hand in the studio and gave the pre-recording pep talk that put the project in perspective for the artists and brought gravity to the scene.
—Lily Moayeri, SPIN, 29 Jan. 2024
For perspective, the distance from those two points is three-and-a-half vertical stories - yes, that’s how much Daytona is banked.
—Jim Clash, Forbes, 26 Feb. 2024
The Biden probe couldn’t be in better hands — at least from the administration’s perspective.
—Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 7 Sep. 2023
But hey, outside perspective can be useful — as Cousin proves.
—Will Hermes, Rolling Stone, 28 Sep. 2023
But this history is being told almost from the perspective of Ernest Burkhart.
—Megan McCluskey, TIME, 20 Oct. 2023
Therefore, your complaint risks sounding to them as devoid of perspective as their complaints sound to you.
—Carolyn Hax, Washington Post, 1 Nov. 2023
The Netflix series followed Dahmer's many crimes from the perspective of his victims.
—Esther Kang, Peoplemag, 16 Jan. 2024
This book has too little plot — or plenty of it, depending on your perspective.
—Bethanne Patrick, Los Angeles Times, 7 Sep. 2023
Things turned around in 1934, but the memory of the cascade of worst years put the disappointments of future years in perspective for the first generation of moguls.
—Thomas Doherty, The Hollywood Reporter, 23 Dec. 2023
At a school where excelling in the classroom is the top priority and many of his players will miss practices to take AP classes, Lundberg shared his perspective on the role of sports in his students’ lives.
—Joseph Dycus, The Mercury News, 12 Apr. 2024
Residents in our community are proud to see local authors on the shelves, and to see their perspectives reflected on our shelves.
—USA TODAY, 13 Apr. 2024
That perspective shift set the tone for an enjoyable day of racing.
—Jenny McCoy, SELF, 16 Dec. 2022
And that’s out of 51 Metro areas with a population that size to put, to put this in perspective reporters.
—Laura Johnston, cleveland, 14 June 2022
This time around, Spoelstra said there has to be perspective about the role, mostly filling in the brief gaps when Adebayo collects his breath on the bench.
—Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 15 Mar. 2023
But, as stated above, there also has to be perspective.
—Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 27 Dec. 2022
That’s what the first perspective picture was, drawn from a single mathematical point in the middle of the mirror or the lens.
—Françoise Mouly, The New Yorker, 17 Feb. 2022
The fifth part is something else entirely, with a perspective shift that narrows the focus to Tyson's 1992 rape trial.
—Leah Greenblatt,, 26 Aug. 2022
That perspective lesson sets us up to see all Hockney’s familiar work in new ways.
—Mark Guiducci, Vogue, 27 Feb. 2023
The Mustangs are heading to a bowl no matter what, though a win against Memphis could improve their standing with perspective bowl games.
—Dallas News, 25 Nov. 2022
Respectful and wise about the game, those guys could provide a perspective other players never could, or even thought about.
—Paul Daugherty, The Enquirer, 4 Aug. 2020
Of all 16 perspective host cities, only Seattle can offer outdoor average highs as low as the 70s in July.
—Ian Nicholas Quillen, Forbes, 28 Sep. 2021
While there has to be perspective about social-media posts regarding offseason workouts, the mere fact that they have been placed on Kyle’s timelines speaks volumes.
—Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 6 Sep. 2022
This is no perspective effect; that comet really was just above the Sun's surface, and most likely impacted the Sun or disintegrated from the heat.
—Phil Plait, Discover Magazine, 7 July 2011
The perspective shift is apparent in Chiu’s current fashion choices.
—Janelle Okwodu, Vogue, 18 May 2022
Their perspective shift also led them to participate in Sound Mind’s Unmasked video series.
—Billboard, 28 Apr. 2021
Simultaneously, there’s been a perspective shift among employees, with more workers wanting to feel a greater sense of purpose and part of something bigger.
—Pete Schlampp, Fortune, 9 Sep. 2022
The findings from Arnqvist and his team, Wyber notes, also help put the female’s perspective center stage—something widely lacking in research on animal mating.
—Katherine J. Wu, The Atlantic, 6 July 2021
Ueberroth believes there will also be a perspective shift among travelers.
—Bruce Wallin, National Geographic, 1 Oct. 2020
Reporting found that West, who now goes by Ye, showed an intimate picture of his then-wife, Kim Kardashian, to a perspective collaborator, as well as an explicit video of her to employees.
—Elisabeth Garber-Paul, Rolling Stone, 24 Nov. 2022
Martin also fleshes out more fully what the perspective module entails and points out that Knowland actually solicited another teacher to offer an opposing view to his in the class and was declined!
—Cameron Hilditch, National Review, 4 Dec. 2020
This causes a perspective shift that appears to reduce excessive rumination and self-focus, which may allow people to escape unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors.
—ELLE, 13 Apr. 2023
Some elements in the revival accommodate the perspective shift — the original music by jazz guitarist Femi Temowo, for instance, transparently conjures Black culture.
—Peter Marks, Washington Post, 22 Sep. 2022
Introducing Dahmer, meanwhile, starts without sound, then gradually adds Dahmer’s voice, a perspective switch intended to invoke dread.
—Robert Abele, Los Angeles Times, 1 Aug. 2023
With a better understanding of the perspective shift behind the Great Resignation, individuals can better prepare for success, and employers can radically improve retention.
—Robert Harbols, Forbes, 19 May 2022
Tamecia Smith, the center's director, handles applications from perspective employees.
—Sarah Ladd, The Courier-Journal, 7 Apr. 2022
Stolyar said company representatives will tell perspective workers about the different opportunities.
—Steve Sadin,, 23 Feb. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'perspective.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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